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My intention is to bring you encouragement.

To empower you.  To give you back JOY that I believe God intended for you to walk in every moment of every day, regardless of the circumstances. [Isaiah 61]


I believe that when we are reminded of whose we are and who we are in the universe, we find a renewed purpose and boldness. 


Genesis 1 and 2 God created man in His own image

This is your identity, you were created on purpose, with a purpose. YOU are the light of this world. This shapes who we are, glorifies Jesus, and helps us see others better! 


Jeremiah 29:13 Seek ME and you will find me when you search for me with all of your heart...I will bring you back from captivity.


Hebrews 11:26 He rewards those who diligently seek him


Psalms 16:11 You will show me the path of life, in your presence is the fullness of JOY, in your right hand there are pleasures forevermore


I hope you find that and much more.


Kellee Pope is a Christian author, speaker, encourag-er, and momma to three little loves.

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